Happy Hudna
David Wilder, in Hebron-
Monday 30th Jun 2003

Well folks, peace is at hand. According to some accounts, there are even pessimists who are optimistic. The new-found love between Israeli officers and their palestinian ‘counterparts’ is so apparently visible in the newspaper pictures published today, especially the front page photo of an Israel officer resting his hand on the arm of a uniformed Arab, grinning happily. It’s almost scenic. You can just picture them sitting together, smoking a cigarette, drinking coffee, chatting about the wife and kids – and then, as the two of them shake hands, about to part, a PA terrorist-soldier quietly sneaks up behind the Israeli, and getting the nod from his boss, puts a 9mm bullet in his head.
The palestinian officer, wiping his hand on his slacks comments to the soldier, “Come on, let’s go get the next sucker.”
Last night was a case in point. Just to whet your appetite – part of this morning’s wake-up beeper contained the following message: During the night: an anti-tank missile was shot at an IDF outpost adjacent to Neve Dekalim; a number of mortars were seen fired at Gush Katif communities; an army jeep crashed into another vehicle after a barrel was hurled at him; near Kedumim a firebomb was hurled at an IDF patrol, rock-throwers were apprehended near Migdal Oz, etc. And of course last night’s main attraction was in Kiryat Arba, when terrorists shot at a soldier guarding the entrance to the Givat HaAvot neighborhood just before ten o’clock. A bullet struck the soldier’s helmet, but miraculously did not penetrate, leaving him only slightly shaken up.
You know, Arabic may soon be mandatory in all high schools, around the world. Otherwise current events will be incomprehensible to the common person. First we had to deal with an ‘intifada.’ Now we in the age of the “Hudna.”
What is a ‘hudna?’ It is a cease-fire. Is an end to warfare? No. Is it a declaration of intentions leading to peace? No. It is simply a temporary cessation of fighting. In this case, our enemies have stated clearly and concisely: for three months. However, this hudna has strings attached: Israel must open the siege which has kept Arafat caged-up in Ramallah for over a year now. Israel must stop assaults on the Al-Asqa mosque, i.e. Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. Israel is forbidden to arrest terrorists, not to mention, assassinate them. And finally, Israel must release all Arab terrorist prisoners. If we don’t meet these requirements, which have not been negotiated, rather they are unilateral demands, the cease-fire is off.
Why are the Arabs willing to supposedly ‘stop the shooting?’ According to an AFP article published today, “The three-month truce announced by Palestinian factions on Sunday appears to be a tactical move rather than a change of ideology in hard-line movements.” These tactical moves have been determined, quite simply, because the enemy realized he was losing the war. Not only losing the war, but in danger of being wiped out. It is not coincidence that Hamas agreed to a cease-fire following the attempted assassination of arch-terrorist Rantisi, several weeks ago. At that point Hamas leader Sheik Yassin and other terror leaders realized that Israeli weapons were pointed in their direction. So what better way to disarm the enemy by declaring a one-sided truce. What choice will he have then, but to halt his so-called ‘aggression.’
This cease-fire is nothing more than a ploy, giving the terrorists some breathing room. And not a little breath room. A lot. Israel is pulling out of Gaza and reopening almost all roads to palestinian traffic, thereby endangering the lives of all the Jews living in or visiting the Jewish communities in Gush Katif. Today Israel sat with Dahlan and talking about transferring Bethlehem back to the terrorists. We’ve been at this movie before and the results have been harrowing: killing, killing and more killing. Last night Israel radio quoted sources as saying that Abu Mazen wants Ramallah next but Israel is considering Hebron. The last time Israel pulled its forces out of 80% of Hebron the result was a massive terror attack leaving 12 men dead, including Hebron military commander Col. Dror Weinberg HY”D. Since then another 15 people have been killed in and around Hebron. But not least, Hebron terrorists have been responsible for murdering Jews all over Israel in the past few months, blowing themselves up again and again.
After Israel yet again retreats from Shechem, Ramallah, Tul-Karem, Jenin, etc. etc. the terrorists will have time to regroup, rebuilding their murderous infrastructure, getting ready for the next round. And Israel is falling straight through the trap door. We know it, but we’re letting them do it. And it’s not the first time. Way back when, 1991, 1992, when the so-called first intifada had just about died – the Arabs had lost, Israel brought them back to life – the resuscitation equipment was called Oslo. And before that, in Lebanon, in the 1980s, we had the PLO down for the count, Israel had Arafat in its sites, but allowed him to escape Now, we’re doing it again. The terror organizations are on their last legs – finally Israel realized the necessity to wipe them out – but no, let’s give them another chance. Will Abu-Mazen dare try to dismantle such terror organizations as Hamas or the Jihad, or even his own Fatah. Come on, who are we kidding? Despite his ‘roadmap obligations’ Muhammad Dahlan will never turn his guns against his own people.
Just to keep the illusions under control, as if we needed to be reminded, this afternoon another person, a foreign worker, was killed in a terrorist ambush in the northern Shomron.
And let’s not forget who is waiting in the shadows. DEBKAfile reported today that “one of US presidential adviser Rice’s missions in Jerusalem Sunday was to set in motion a Sharon government reshuffle, co-opting Labor in place of right-wing ministers. Sylvan Shalom was asked to step down as foreign minister in favor of Shimon Peres.”
Friends, it’s looking better and better.
Happy Hudna!
With blessings from Hebron,
This is David Wilder
