What is a proportionate response?
Tom Carew-
Wednesday 5th Mar 2008

What is a proportionate response? Upon whose shoulders does the responsibility lie when your enemy believes there is greater honour in dying for his cause than in living for his cause?
When a man lives to die then to kill him becomes the fulfillment of a desire, a fervent prayer and a yearning to serve his maker by dying in the name of Allah.
If Israel kills the followers of Hamas, in response to their constant brutal taunting with the ruthless and incessant launching of Kassam rockets and Grad missiles onto innocent civilians inside Israel it would fulfill their prayer for martyrdom. They goad us into retaliation; they want us to bomb these "refugee camps" for the camera; they want us to re-enter Gaza and perform the killings they crave in a cruel game of Russian roulette for the camera and the public acclaim of the foreign press.
It may soon be forgotten that we did what was demanded, that the Jewish State made Gaza "Juden Rein", to allow the creation of a Palestinian State. We gave them the means to kick-start their economy, including agricultural lands which we taught them to work and greenhouses filled with crops. The fields were left barren and the greenhouses burned down in rage. We provided staple foods, medicine, electricity, petrol and cash, cash, cash. The food was confiscated by Hamas for their own distribution; fertiliser was turned into bombs; electricity was denied in staged photographs and they continued to demand more and launch unprecedented attacks on the very people they expected to sustain them.
Sadly the world is still taken in
"If you lie once, nobody believes you. If you lie a thousand times - everyone believes you." - T. Mann
