Terror and Peace
Dori Gamliel-
Wednesday 1st Mar 2006

On the 26th of March 2001 in Hebron, a Muslim terrorist who was on the hills looked down towards a Jewish playground and aimed through the sights of his sniper rifle and shot a baby in the head. Shalhevet Techiya Pass was 10 months old. The hills where the Arab terrorist fired from used to be under Israeli control, but it was given away to the Arabs 'for peace'. The gun that was used in the attack was given to him under the Oslo agreements, also 'for peace'.
It is clear from this tragedy what the Arab message is to peace. The more and more concessions Israel makes to Arabs, the more and more they will attack us. Many Jews are so deluded into saying "let's just give peace a chance". What kind of sick animal looks through the sights of his gun and fires at a baby? This is the mentality of our enemy; do you honestly think any kind of concessions will stop them? We keep giving 'peace' a chance and every time we do, more Jews get killed.
There are some people that are stupid enough to say that this wouldn’t happen if Israel didn’t 'occupy' Judea and Samaria. Well, not far away from this murder was another murder scene. The Arabs rioted against the Jews in Hebron in1929. They brutally murdered 67 Jews in the very same town. The Arab mob charged into the Jewish community and, as an eye witness said: 'The deliberate acts of torture- tearing out intestines, breaking ribs, tearing out brains, cutting off limbs, breasts and fingers. The act of sodomy and rape (one girl was raped, according to medical evidence, by at least 13 rioters before she was killed); the mutilation and tearing open of bodies after or even before they had been killed.'
We are led to believe by the left that if we relinquish lands that we liberated in 1967, that the Arabs would stop their terror attacks against innocent Jews. So, why were 67 Jews brutally murdered in 1929 before we had Judea and Samaria, even before Israel had been re-established? It doesn’t really make sense, does it? They had it all and they still murdered Jews. The problem is not Judea and Samaria, the problem for the Arabs is a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel at all, which they see as belonging to them. This mentality can not be changed by concessions of any kind, the deep hatred they have of Jews can not be stopped. Only real Jewish power and might against our enemies will stop terror and bring us peace once and for all.
