BETAR joins fight for Gush Katif
Tuesday 12th Apr 2005

Betar has initiated a campaign to help our brothers in
Erets Yisrael facing expulsion by the Leftist government. Betar believes in the
inalienable right of Jews to live in any part of their historic homeland in the
Land of Israel and sees attempts to remove Jews from their homes as both illegal
and dangerous. Peace will only be achieved when the Arab world relinquishes
violence and terror and recognises the Jewish people's right to its tiny
homeland. It will not be obtained through surrender of any part of the homeland
or through bribing the terrorists. The youth of Betar is loyal to the ideas and
philosphies of Jabotinsky and rejects the expulsion plan and the surrender which
go against, logic, relapolitik and the values of national dignity. True Zionism
means being a free nation that acts with the interests of the Jewish people at
heart and does not cave into threats from agressors and does not reward the
enemy. The current actions of those who purtain to represent the "Likud" are in
total contravention of the ideals of Zionism and reek of weakness, corruption
and stupidity. We must stop the folly of the surrender plan that
threatens all of Israel and the Jewish people and say NO to the
actions of the Judenrat.
If you would like to help the brave pioneers of Gush Katif
please send an email to:
